Divorce Mediation Topics

Amicable Divorce Mediation – Steps to Take When Mediating a Divorce

amicable divorce

Amicable Divorce Mediation – Steps to Take When Mediating a Divorce

Divorce mediation can be an amicable process. You and your spouse can work out an agreement without a lengthy court battle. Here are some amicable divorce tips to keep in mind:

Avoid Conflict: Studies indicate that often fighting, like conflict, tends to damage children. However, the court is always optional. Taking an Amicable Divorce Step: Although divorce mediators are time sensitive, they do not make the divorce process easy. Being fair and being compassionate toward your spouse are essential.

Have realistic expectations. Many times, divorce attorneys, not judges, make decisions about legal rights and properties that result in harsh financial consequences for the parties. The last thing you want is to find yourself in court over issues concerning real property, divorce alimony, child custody and other divorce matters. A professional divorce mediator will help you determine which outcomes are realistic for your situation. Your divorce lawyer will assist you in making decisions about important family legal rights and issues. When there is an impasse, both parties can seek counsel from a licensed divorce lawyer.

Minimize expenses: Saving money is one of the many things that you can do to help you achieve an amicable divorce. Many couples believe that a lengthy court system is going to be required. When couples save time and money by making quick decisions, they often find themselves in a courtroom for lengthy proceedings. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Consider the best interests of all parties involved: A third party is going to be the facilitator between you and your spouse. It’s likely that both of you will be upset at the outcome. In order to have the least possible impact on your spouse, it’s necessary to work with a neutral third party to help you through this difficult time. A divorce mediator will help you find a solution that works for your unique situation.

Employ an attorney who has experience in the litigation process: Often, divorce attorneys don’t have experience in the litigation process. If you are going to use the services of an attorney, make sure he or she has experience dealing with the types of issues you are facing during your amicable divorce. An attorney who has experience will better be able to represent you in court, as well as provide the guidance you need to finalize the details of your divorce.

Develop a parenting plan: Once the amicable divorce has been settled, you will also need to develop a parenting plan. A parenting plan will lay out the timeshare and custody issues that exist between you and your spouse. You should also include a holiday schedule, custody issues (if any), and any other arrangements that are necessary to ensure your child has adequate time with each parent. Divorce mediation can often help you finalize these matters before they become an issue in a courtroom. Your attorney may also be able to help you prepare the parenting plan and draw up all the necessary paperwork.

Keep the stress level down: During the course of the divorce mediation, it’s very easy to get caught up in emotions and make decisions you don’t necessarily agree with your spouse. As the mediation process goes on, both you and your spouse will likely become increasingly uncomfortable. This is why it’s important to remember to remain calm and logical at all times. The divorce mediators typically have extensive experience dealing with divorce situations like yours and will be able to keep your emotions in check while working out your problems with your spouse. If at any point, you feel that you are getting angry, or that you want to leave the table, or if you feel that your spouse is pressuring you to do one thing after another, it’s important to let the divorce mediator know as soon as possible so that he or she can break the conversation down and help you regain control.

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