Finding a Good Attorney That Can Help You Find an Affordable Divorce

If you are going through a divorce and are having problems in getting an affordable divorce, you might think you have no choice but to settle with your ex-spouse. You could be thinking that the best solution is to go through with the divorce and get yourself a divorce and save yourself from all the expense of a divorce. However, if you want to know how to find a good attorney that will be able to help you find an affordable divorce, you should keep reading.

affordable divorce

One of the first things that you should do is to make sure that you know everything about your situation. One of the best ways to do this is by seeking legal advice from a lawyer. This is one of the best things that you can do because it gives you the best possible chance at a good divorce. read more

Divorce Lawyers: How to Get a Quick and Amicable Divorce

An amicable divorce means that both parties agree that the marriage has ended, agree to a settlement, and can work together peacefully during the legal proceedings. The term amiable divorce is actually quite vague and can mean several different things, depending upon the jurisdiction in which it is being sought.

amicable divorce

In an uncontested divorce both parties are equally at fault for the divorce and the court does not take sides and does not assign blame. A judge might award custody of children to one parent if the other parent cannot be found or if they have been convicted of child abuse. When there is a disagreement regarding the division of assets, the judge usually appoints a neutral third party to make decisions regarding property and debts. read more

Amicable Divorce – How Long Is it?

An amicable divorce means that both parties accept property division, joint and spousal custody, child and spousal support and visitation. It does not mean the divorcing spouses are even friends at this point. It does not mean they do not fight and reach an amicable agreement fairly, without recourse to litigation.

amicable divorce

It is much easier for the parties to agree on these issues if they have been married for at least five years. The parties may have reached this time before or after the divorce is finalized. The duration of a divorce also varies based upon whether one or both of the spouses have children. If there are children, the length of the divorce will also be more protracted than it would be if there were none involved. read more